Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Treadmill Could Use A Mousepad

I've had some seriously bad luck with DVD players that I use with my treadmill. Maybe it is because I buy the cheapest ones on the market or I buy free ones('buy free"?), but since my current one had the cover off, and I had to work with it oh so carefully and put my fingers in it to line up the disc right I felt like it was time for to replace it.

Then I had this brilliant idea. I had an extra computer (of course, don't we all?) and an extra dvd drive. I even had an extra 17' monitor. My tv I had been using was only 13". And of course my extra set of speakers I had been plugging my ipod into from time to time.

Yes, I know I'm a serious dork, but if I just plugged in a network cable I could surf the web while on my treadmill. Someone is going to tell me to pull the plug and get away from computers, but that person wouldn't see the beauty of this. My monitor is somewhere in between a high definition television and a normal tv - but much much closer to an HDTV. I'm running at 1280x1024 resolution - which looks really really good on the monitor. When I'm not using the computer I hit the power button and but the computer in hibernation mode, consuming almost no power at all. I simply hit the button - wait about 20 seconds and I'm back up and going again.

I just wish I had more space for the mouse. :) I can't believe I didn't do this a long, long time ago.


Anonymous said...

Beyond awesome. Take a picture with more lighting so I can see the details of your setup.

Jen said...

This really is the logical next step, :).

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you'll ever even read this because it's a VERY old post but check out the surfshelf. I don't see why you couldn't place a mouse on it and go to town. I for one use and surfshelf and a trackball.

Ranjit said...

That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck. Stag T1.65 IWM Treadmill Specs Details