Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Work/Life Balance

I fully endorse the idea, it doesn't matter who you are reading this, that having a good work/life balance is necessary in order to really have happiness. You really can't work 80 hours per week and still be happy. It just isn't possible. It doesn't matter who you are, if you are working too much, do not do it for an extended amount of time. I know this seems obvious, but that is what I've been up to. I'm not saying I've been working 80 hours a week since my last blog post, but it has been 60 hours a week minimum. I've just had it, and for the time being I'm not working outside of my normal hours at work for a little while.

Much has happened since the "guy love" post. I've been promoted at my job, we've been trapped by snow in the mountains, and we're buying a house. We won't close until mid-May, so as soon as the place is ours, we're put lots of information on here. Until that point in time, here's a teaser of a view from the backyard. :)

Oh, and the song on the left hand side is updated. Tilly and the Wall - Bad Education.


Weltreisender said...

Good for you TR. B and I support your decision to not work outside your normal hours.

Congrats on your new home!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness Tony posted! I am just teasing you, hope to hear more from you soon.

Mrs. Smith said...

Hey Tony! Congratulations on the house! I can't wait to see more pictures on your next post! The backyard looks great!